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Native Californian, biologist, wildlife conservation consultant, retired Smithsonian scientist, father of two daughters, grandfather of four. INTJ. Believes nature is infinitely more interesting than shopping malls. Born 100 years too late.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Black-tail jack at the badger dig

7:09:12 AM

The scent of ripe mackerel lured Black-tailed jack to the badger dig.

That's my guess, because the lagomorph's appetite for protein is high when forage is coarse and low in protein.

When a doe rabbit eats her neonates, the husbandryman's advice it to feed her more protein.

Back to Jack.

Ever vigilant, he startled.

Then he returned to examine the burrow wherein the ensconced can emitted its bacterial bouquet.


Looking puzzled, he paused.


And then disappeared into the gloamy light of a new day.


Bpaul said...

Fantastic. I love this blog, thanks for putting in the time it's enormously entertaining.


Buford Nature said...

That's one wary wabbit!

Retrieverman said...

Snowshoe hares have been known to raid traps that are baited for carnivores. They probably are tempted by meat for the same reason as this jackrabbit.

BTW, snowshoe hares are the closest things to jackrabbits we have around here, and both are hares in the genus Lepus.

randomtruth said...

Did he start off with a little dust bath in the tailings of the hole?

Camera Trap Codger said...

Thanks, y'all.

No dust bath preceded these pictures. RT.

One more post on the badger dig to come.

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