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Native Californian, biologist, wildlife conservation consultant, retired Smithsonian scientist, father of two daughters, grandfather of four. INTJ. Believes nature is infinitely more interesting than shopping malls. Born 100 years too late.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Ringtail on the beat

Here's some night action on a seasonal creek in Butte County, California.

Gray foxes, striped skunks, and raccoons use the creek bed as a thoroughfare, and are the most frequently filmed camera-trapped visitors.

Bears and bobcats stop to drink and then cross it and move on up the slope.

When I get better video of these common visitors I will post it.

This is the only footage of a ringtail I've gotten on this creek, but it is one of the more satisfying clips.

This ringtail didn't want to get its feet wet, unlike its relative the raccoon with its underwater hand-jive routine.

As you can see, it's a good rock-hopper.


brdpics said...

Love the fluid movement of the ringtail!

Camera Trap Codger said...

It goes well with the sleek design. Form and function.

Cindy said...

A neighbor in an old redwood forest thought she might have seen one as a roadkill last year. "Catlike with banded tail," she said. I'll send her this link.

Unknown said...

Nice. What was your lure?

Camera Trap Codger said...

No lure, Doug. I'm getting very Zen up here, and it might have something to do with contaminants in the smoke from Tehama County. The only attractant is that pool of water. The gray foxes were trying to snap up crane flies there last week, and the mosquitos are as big as humming birds.

Camera Trap Codger said...

Hi Cindy. A belated thank you for the bag of nuts passed on by RT. Delicioso. The Camera Trapping Campus guys will be keen to hear about a ringtail sighting down.

Cindy said...

The redwood neighbor got back to me quickly after seeing your video and said it was definitely a ringtail. I passed on the response to RT. The location is just a few miles down the road, so hopefully there are more alive ones out there that he might be able to capt.

Cindy said...

. . . and I am glad you didn't use the walnuts for lure. More coming.

Alyssa Johnson said...

How freaking cool is that?! I so wish we had those in the NE...

Owlman said...

Outstanding catch Codger!
You and your followers are fortunate to see such a beautiful and secretive mammal.
Thanks much.

Unknown said...

Nice video you upload here.Thanks for shairing this.

Thanks a lot!
Mark Bapist

Trail camera