Monday, September 7, 2009

Nighttime at the Carrion Cafe

Guess who's the boss here? 

A cool grassy breeze wafted through the window and over my sleeping bag. 

The yodel dogs gave a full-throated chorus, and I dozed off.

Not for long.

They yapped the rest of the night -- reassurance that a lot was happening at the Carrion Cafe. 

The cameras would be working overtime. 

Many of the 142 coyote pictures were of a hungry big-eared pup.

It still has growing to do if its body is going to catch up to the size of its head.

Here's a bigger coyote for comparison, presumably one of big-head's parents. 

The Cafe was a rough place to take a meal. 

Mom and dad made ugly faces and snarled at anyone who tried to butt in. 

It got downright scrappy.

And it looks like big-head got his butt kicked.

Take home message for family 'yotes at the Carrion Cafe? 

Watch your back and eat fast.