This sandstone cave
at the Chimineas Ranch was new to us.
A steep bank of loose sand
separated it from the creek bed below and required a rather
high-stepping fandango to reach it.
The cool interior was a
welcome contrast to the heat of the arroyo, and we wondered what species
normally visit such a place.
To answer the question we
staked the camera without bait or lure, and since the camera would be
constantly in shaded light, we set it for 24 hr.
There were no surprises,
no tawny snoozers in the heat of the day, just a California ground
squirrel, woodrats, and cottontails.
The woodrats of course
used the place as their latrine, which attracted a buzz of flies.
The Say's Phoebe caught
them on the wing, giving an entertaining air show while performing a
much needed public service.
Really lovely bird-in-flight shots!