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Native Californian, biologist, wildlife conservation consultant, retired Smithsonian scientist, father of two daughters, grandfather of four. INTJ. Believes nature is infinitely more interesting than shopping malls. Born 100 years too late.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Wine country mountain lion caught

Last week a young adult female mountain lion was found in a backyard redwood tree in the community of Agua Caliente, Sonoma county.

Thanks to snow leopard conservationist Rod Jackson for sending me the newsclippings. For the full story and a picture of the trussed-up puss click here.

The cat was tranquillized by California Fish & Game officials about 2.3 miles from the camera trap site where Rod captured the image of a similar looking puma last month.

It could even be the same cat. If so, it had crossed State Highway 12 and moved west.

Public reactions to the event differed. The gentleman who discovered the mountain lion wanted to shoot it, and one letter writer viewed the event as an ominous reminder that mountain lions are out to get us.

It seems the prevailing sentiment was relief and gratitude that Fish & Game captured it alive and intends to release in a state wildlife reserve. (Hopefully the cat is roaming free by now.)

Rods' comment was that "There's a continuing need for public education. If the Ladakhi's are willing to co-exist with snow leopards, surely Californians can live beside their 'phantom cat'".


Anonymous said...

Thank you Rodney Jackson and CA DFG for not killing the cat! I am looking forward to Mr. Jackson's talk in Sonoma this Thursday night.

Dear Mr. Codger, I don't accept any cultural practice that would result in an elephant having a bloody head. I just don't believe any cultural tradition, including some human ones such as genital mutilation of women, and animal-related ones like the eating of shark fin soup or the hideous Chinese practice of bear bile collection is ever a justification for cruelty!!!

I think your book on elephants and ethics sounds fascinating!


Jayla said...

You should have called your post "Mountain Lion in Hot Water". Get it? It's a double entendre.

Anonymous said...

Good Job! :)