Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Camera Trapping Workshop

[near the Sierra Nevada Field Campus, photo by Lisa Ware, '08 workshop]

My camera trapping workshop is being offered again at SF State University's Sierra Nevada Field Campus. You can get registration and other details here.

If you are interested, you might want to check out the posts from last year's workshop here and here. And here is a list of the mammals in the area.

I'm looking forward to instructing the workshop again.

It is a chance for camera trappers of all stripes to share experiences and learn new tricks.

[Allen's chipmunk (Tamias senex), the common species on campus, 
workshop of '08, taken with a homebrew camera]

You'll meet interesting people, get a lot of exercise, enjoy tasty food, and learn a lot while having fun.

The Sierra Nevada had a magical effect on John Muir, and it'll affect you the same way. The field campus is located only a few miles from the crest of the Sierra at Yuba Pass. And it's beautiful in July.

[camera trap photo by Kim Hastings, '08 workshop]

I'll be updating and expanding the manual, and we'll have a list of camera trapping sites where various species can be expected.

I'll also have a few extra camera traps for experimental sets, and I'll be challenging myself to get a picture of an Aplodon climbing and pruning alders.

I'll set a few cams out a few weeks ahead of time, so we can hit the ground running.

If you are interested, go to the Sierra Nevada Field campus web page and sign up now!


  1. This sounds like fun. Wish I could attend...

  2. As someone who attended the workshop last year, I highly recommend this class. It's a great opportunity to learn all about camera traps from homebrewing to setting to choosing scent lure, etc. And it's great to see what cameras other folks are using or have used successfully. And of you have a great resource for all things camera trap in Dr. Wemmer. Definitely a valuable experience.


  3. Wow!
    Hope I could attend!
    Thank you for sharing!
