About Me

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Native Californian, biologist, wildlife conservation consultant, retired Smithsonian scientist, father of two daughters, grandfather of four. INTJ. Believes nature is infinitely more interesting than shopping malls. Born 100 years too late.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Blond Pole Dancer

Neighbor Larry built a GoPro camera trap for me, and I finally set it in the woods.

My goal?  Color videos at the water hole at night.

The undertaking has been a challenge.

First, you need sufficient power to charge the power-hungry GoPro Hero2 and external LED arrays. 

Wireless lights would be ideal, but we're not there yet. So, after driving two t-posts into cracks in the bedrock, which happens to be volcanic capstone, I slipped on the pipe extenders, and wired the two arrays at a height of 6+ feet to the camera.

The rig looks like hell, and I knew it would be a standing invitation even to the dumbest bear in the woods.

Of course the inevitable happened.

A blond pole dancer showed up, and her provocative performance disabled the lights.

You've seen her before, if you've visited Camera Trap Codger in the past.

This 2-year female is almost certainly one of the two tiny cubs in the YouTube videos I posted in the spring and summer of 2013.

I think you'll agree, she's a foxy pole dancer. 


HeavenlyJane said...

Wow! What bears really do in the woods.

You must be pleased.

Woody Meristem said...

Neat video; bears are so inquisitive that nothing unusual escapes their attention.

Ben Alexander said...

If there had been a little bit of food on top of that tee-post she would have bent it over and had her snack. I know because I used a tee-post with a ten foot length of PVC pipe slipped over it to keep a bird feeder out of the bears reach. The next morning I found the tee-post bent over 90 degrees with the top laying on the ground. The bird feeders got destroyed - all for a couple of cups of sunflower seeds.

john said...

She's a real babe. I would watch her pole dance anytime.

Unknown said...

I'm not sure if she's a Pole or a Swede...

Unknown said...

I know that you said that your goal was to capture colour video at night--is this footage from the night? Nevertheless, fantastic footage!

Camera Trap Codger said...

Thanks, y'all. I've been lucky with the t-post so far, but I know it's a risky set-up. To make it bear-proof I'd have to get a cement mixer down there to set a 2.5" thick pipe.

No action since then.

No night photos to speak of yet, but I know why the lights failed (electronic safety circuit on the battery).

Yah sure, I've seen a Swede or two that looked her.

Anonymous said...

That bear has talent and could be recruited by Humboldts finest pole dancing club!
Excellent quality video Chris!