About Me

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Native Californian, biologist, wildlife conservation consultant, retired Smithsonian scientist, father of two daughters, grandfather of four. INTJ. Believes nature is infinitely more interesting than shopping malls. Born 100 years too late.

Monday, December 4, 2006

No poodles tonight

A mountain lion and her half grown cub visited the suburbs of rural Magalia last night. The two cats seen here must have reached the ridge by some other route, or maybe they just skirted the camera trap's sensor. Anyway, it seems they gave up on sububan hunting early in the evening. The picture was taken at 12:24AM as they passed our house--heading back down into Butte Creek Canyon. . .which leads me to conclude that there were no poodles or other pets to be found for dinner. Mom sat down to lick her breast as she waited for her youngster--8 seconds later junior joined her and they resumed their stroll down the road.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"No poodles", around 3 am Saturday August 20, a lion or these two, killed my 150# neutered dehorned 2 year old pet goat Wiley. He was sleeping with his brother Rascal in thier barn in Old Magalia above "Little Pearl". He was dragged 100 ft. where they ate his hind quarter, then tore off a front leg above the shoulder, took it over the fence and away. They returned the following night and ate more. It was hot, bless a friend with a tractor who took him down the hill for the animals. I hope he is in heaven dancing with Jesus little lambs. I took Rascal to Loomis where my daughter has goats to keep him safe and also to keep all of us safe. I won't be bringing him back as I cannot protect him. Goats are the sweetest funniest critters I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. It has been a great loss. They also made me feel safe from fire.