Adventures in camera trapping and zoology, with frequent flashbacks and blarney of questionable relevance.
About Me

- Camera Trap Codger
- Native Californian, biologist, wildlife conservation consultant, retired Smithsonian scientist, father of two daughters, grandfather of four. INTJ. Believes nature is infinitely more interesting than shopping malls. Born 100 years too late.
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
A Hollow Log
I've been scoping out the woods for hollow logs, meaning potential den sites, and the "jonah log" was an irresistible camera trap location.
I wasn't optimistic, because even the light from an infrared LED could dissuade an napper.
On the other hand, Craig and I had a gray fox take a high noon siesta in a cave where the white flash pulsed continuously, and it wasn't bothered in the least.
As you will see (and yes, I expect you to read this BEFORE looking at the video) no one took a nap.
But even so, there was a interesting selection of visitors.
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Congratulations to the Codger man!
wow great results and the Ringtail is like winning the lottery of camera trapping.
That's a great location, what a variety of critters. Just think of what you'd get if the camera was there for a year.
I'm on the second round with that set now, but the area nearby is scheduled for tree felling which means disappearing cameras if i leave it there. I just quit two other logs that didn't pan out, but I'm always looking for more.
Nice Ringtail!
Great post and video. I linked to it and embedded the video at
(If that is a problem I will remove it)
Keep on doing what you're doing!
Cool blog, Chase -- no problem. (I give a lecture on hollow logs and snags at my camera trapping workshop.)
Another excellent set as always, Codge. Reading the recent news about Dormaalcyon latouri, the 1kg prehistoric ancestor to many modern day carnivores, had me thinking it was probably a lot like a ringtail. Such an amazing animal. Hope I see them on my cams in 2014.
Ken, may the great camera trapping spirit visit you this year as a sleek ringtail with a wry smile.
Love both the quail and the ringtail Codg! Glad to see all the animals still loving your sets!
Seabass, my camera trap luck hasn't run out, yet.
ahh ringtail..of course!
I enjoyed the back-to-back of the skunk plodding along making noise in the leaf litter, next to the ringtail nimbly and quietly using the edges of the hollow.
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