About Me

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Native Californian, biologist, wildlife conservation consultant, retired Smithsonian scientist, father of two daughters, grandfather of four. INTJ. Believes nature is infinitely more interesting than shopping malls. Born 100 years too late.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Wanna Go Walkie?

Every now and then I used to dog-sit for our good neighbors who own Fred's mom, Roxie.

At the time I had just gotten my new GoPro Hero2 with the various mounts and waterproof case, and "the walkie" seemed a good opportunity to start using the equipment.

Here you get some glimpses of three slightly deranged creatures enjoying each others company in the heat of the summer.


Henry said...

Hehehe, glad to see I'm not the only crazy person around that likes to join in on the Walkie-yodel. The underwater shots looks fun :)

Luisa said...

Best. video. ever :~) [runs off to take the dogs on a hike]

Alyssa Johnson said...

Alright ...I'm sold. Could you attach to the dog? I'd love to see from their perspective. Great underwater quality!

Camera Trap Codger said...

Yes, you can Alyssa, but the problem with Fred is he runs through the brush = scratched housing. But I'll try it one of these days. Need to make a special harness too.

Jayla said...

I'm predicting this one is going to go viral.

Owlman said...

Hey Codger
That was really fun to watch especially the dog kissing you on the face while trying to drive a narrow road. The underwater video was great too! How did you do that?

Camera Trap Codger said...

Thanks Terry, You just gotta get a GoPro with the water proof housing, and attach it to a pole.

Anonymous said...

LOL! Just checked into your site today. I LOVE the doggie video!!

Ottawa, Ontario

Brenda said...

Roxie is missing you Chris. We got a great laugh out of this. Thanks. Brenda