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Native Californian, biologist, wildlife conservation consultant, retired Smithsonian scientist, father of two daughters, grandfather of four. INTJ. Believes nature is infinitely more interesting than shopping malls. Born 100 years too late.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Deadwood Stick Real Estate.

Anyone with an ounce of sense knows that winter is the time to check out real estate.

The irrepressible Random Truth has been doing just that.

He's been regaling his fans with photos of properties on the SF peninsula and their stunning homeowners, and his candid reportage has gotten a lot of folks off their duffs.

They're out cruising the neighborhoods, scoping real estate.

I had already filed and almost forgotten this photo of an impressive mansion I recently encountered.

It was in an upscale community near Arcata.

Thought you would enjoy a glimpse of luxury.

Here's the listing from Deadwood Stick Realty.

"Spacious construction in a gated community on a quiet country road.
Intimate setting. Built to last. Arts and crafts home with pleasing rustic touches. Hardwood stick floors, walls, and ceilings. Great dining room with 3 attached larders. Master bedroom generously provisioned with bay laurel. Passive solar heating warms the home in winter, and 2 composting toilets keep the master bedroom toasty warm. 4 strategically placed exits guarantee safe emergency evacuations.Stunning views of the scenic Mad River. Frolic or fish in crystal clear pools just outside your back door.    
80% financing available to qualified buyers."


Cindy said...

The two of you are irrepressibly funny in your smitten observations of rats. I've shared links via Facebook and my friends agree. Recently, I've noticed that I'm not only learning new info on natural history blogs but the inspiration and repertoire between them is fun too.

Anonymous said...

Wow! didn't know their nests got so big.

randomtruth said...

Ha! That's a beaut Codge. Looks like it's right at the max size cited in all the books, which say up to 8 feet tall and 8 feet in diameter. Probably really old, too.

Thanks for the shout out. I'm just following in your years-old foot steps though, my friend. Your work on woodrat climbing ability set the standard 5 years ago.

The 2 comments with property for sale links are spammers, Codge. They're trying to create links back to their website from respected sites like yours to help their search rankings and such. You should delete them. They post a fake question to make it seem like they're real commenters.

Anonymous said...

I'm packing bags and ready to move in. If it's that close to the river I'll be in paradise because I love to fish.

Camera Trap Codger said...

Yeah, and there're plenty of sticks for a bon fire.