Fred alerted me to this little goody today.
My friend Badger and I were hiking one of the local flume trails with the dogs, and I saw my dog sniffing at it intently.
Puma scat. It was just off the trail next to a ponderosa pine.
Of course, I'm not positive about the ID, but I'm pretty sure from size, shape, volume, and contents (hair and bones).
Since I was in company I skipped the sniff test.
As the crow flies, this is 2.7 miles from and 950 ft above my camera trap at el Paso de las Pumas. Close enough for this cat to visit my cam there.
You gotta know camera trapping is slow when I resort to this kind of subject matter.
By the way, I could have called this post "turd of the week", but I didn't want anyone to think I was blogging about politics.
"By the way, I could have called this post "turd of the week", but I didn't want anyone to think I was blogging about politics. "
Hello! I just wanted to say I've really been enjoying looking at your blog. :D I recently got my own (cheap-ass) trail camera and have been having fun with it. It's currently out on a ridge in hopes of snapping a picture of a bobcat. I've found what I'm 70% sure is bobcat scat and tracks. Sadly it only has a four day charge, so I can't leave it very long. How tired I am becoming of pictures of deer.
Anyway, have fun taking pictures of poo! 8D (I hope you get a picture of a puma soon!)
Here is a nice set of pictures from a trail cam in South Texas. Despite the racist B.S. in the comments, it's still quite a nice string.
OMG... Politics! ROFLMAO
You are too funny! Thanks for the chuckle...again.
How well do you have to know someone before you're comfortable doing the sniff test in front of them? Next time point out something in the woods ("Hey, is that a bear?"), then while his back is turned, do the sniff test.
a puma scat? OK if I saw something like that, surely I had scared to dead and run like a gazelle, OK not like a gazelle, I don't want to pretend lookin like a enormous piece of meat.
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