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Native Californian, biologist, wildlife conservation consultant, retired Smithsonian scientist, father of two daughters, grandfather of four. INTJ. Believes nature is infinitely more interesting than shopping malls. Born 100 years too late.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Not a fat cat

September 10, 4:45 AM.

This week Bob at True Value Hardware filled me in on the local kerfuffle.

He was talking about large tawny cats like this one.

Their serenades and visits have not exactly been appreciated up here on the ridge, but even so, our lawful citizens were rather scornful of one neighbor's proposal to permanently silence the offender(s).

Two days after learning of the issue I was pleased to find these photos on the camera-trap line.

September 16, 10:21 PM.

The cat is a bit on the thin side and has undoubtedly moved on by now to some other corner of its home range.

I'd be surprised if the serenading cat hasn't moved on too, and I sure hope it shows up in my neighborhood.


reverend dick said...

I loves Mountain Lions!

Bay Laurel said...

Awesome shots!

Anonymous said...

Great photos of one the most beautiful cats on earth!

Camera Trap Codger said...

Thanks, folks. Handsome cats they are, but these photos leave a lot to be desired in terms of framing and lighting. Nonetheless, a puma picture always gives me a thrill, even if it's only the tail.

Zach said...

Wow, very neat pictures, but the other thing that caught my eye was the pine cone. It's HUGE. To me, that is, but I live in WI, and we don't have pinecones like that.

Camera Trap Codger said...

Sugar pine, Zach. The giant of pine cones. Keeps the squirrels happy and gives them a workout.

Luuuuuua said...

superba fotografie,bravo

Anonymous said...

Wow! My favourite animal - great seeing them out and about!

Ottawa, ON

cliff said...

Nice cat photo Codger, I would agree that's it's rather thin and looking for food. Any dogs or house cats missing in the area? Looks like it hasn't had a good meal in over a month.

I also noticed the large cone, but my wife clued me in and explained they are difficult to start from a seed.
