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Native Californian, biologist, wildlife conservation consultant, retired Smithsonian scientist, father of two daughters, grandfather of four. INTJ. Believes nature is infinitely more interesting than shopping malls. Born 100 years too late.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Spring cleaning

We descended on the alder thicket on the Yuba River back in June-- a band of eager camera trappers hungry for photos of the enigmatic but endearing showtl.

When it comes to camera trapping, showtl seems to be on the bashful side.

You have to wait a week or more before the adorable head with humanoid ears pokes out of the burrow.

But this time Bill Wilson got a nice series of showtl pictures over a period of two weeks.

This animal's watery burrow had an apron of knuckle sized rocks, and as you can see in these stitched photos, those rocks weren't washed out by water.

Showtl was doing its spring cleaning, while the plants were growing like crazy.

I wonder how much gold the showtls have unearthed since the 49ers?

Thanks Bill, for letting me show your catch.


biobabbler said...

Hee. Most delightful. Still enigmatic, it's nice to see one virtually. Happy to see any evidence your peeps gather of this interesting, industrious creature.

Unknown said...

which fork of the Yuba was it?

Camera Trap Codger said...

North fork.