This was set # 254, a promising site in Marin County where fog blows in from Bolinas Lagoon.
I know bobcat kittens padded this trail, and I know a coyote dropped a few dog logs right where the mystery creature hunkered.
But the cam always had a problem.
This time the flash went out.
24 images were black.
Three looked like this, and only this one showed an animal.
It was 6:18 in the morning when the mystery mammal paused to sniff.
Anyone want to guess what it it?
Coyote . . . raccoon . . . wolverine . . . German shepherd . . . or just a large squirrel?
Camera trap pictures can be puzzling -- read on . . . here.
Juvenile skunk ape.
Yes, a real possibility in light of the size and posture.
Ahhh, you mean "sasquatch" in the codger's neck o' the woods.
They are only "skunk apes" in Florida.
Dwarf ground sloth.
It appears to be a racoon to my eye.
Looks like a barfing bobcat to me.
Hey how about a chupacabra!!!
WOW! This is a hard image to work with. I have sent it to a friend who does magic with images and has the programs to refine this pic.
My guess from the posture and size, it is a wolverine.
Thanks for the feedback, troops. You've given me new hope and inspiration.
It's a racoon.
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