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Native Californian, biologist, wildlife conservation consultant, retired Smithsonian scientist, father of two daughters, grandfather of four. INTJ. Believes nature is infinitely more interesting than shopping malls. Born 100 years too late.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Chimineas in November

View from set 319

Just back last night from the Chimineas Ranch, and at the moment am downloading the latest photos.

View from set 318

An excellent though brief trip.

We were joined by Randomtruth, and talked camera trapping and wildlife practically nonstop.

RT also brought a camera trappers toy -- a plumber's cam, which we used to peer down a few burrows.

The LED encountered something you don't often find in pipes and drains -- dust.

Scoping a burrow with the plumber's cam.

And thus we found another project, how to make the plumber's cam more burrow-friendly.

On finding that a few cameras filled their memory cards with false triggers ... well, we sang the camera trapper's blues.

Nonetheless we got some interesting photos and added another species to the list, which you'll see in a few days, if not sooner.

At the end of two full days we managed to set 12 cams, with four more to go this week when Craig returns to the ranch.

And oh yes, Fred proved that he has a powerful nose for antlers, even if they are hanging on a wall and attached to a skull.

Many thanks to RT for help and good company, and to Kim and the Redhead for cooking the apple/berry pie and beef stew. We ate well!


Buford Nature said...


i really enjoy your blog. excellent pics! i am a wildlife biologist who has worked in the field for the past 40 yrs, and i rarely or never see some of the animals you photograph nightly.

i am currently doing a lit review on the impacts of dogs and cats (feral and pet) on wildlife, so my attention was drawn to your mention of an antler dog.

antler dogs are more harmful to wildlife than many other pet dogs. antler dogs are encouraged to roam extensively rather than remain close to their owners, and thus have more opportunities to kill or cause aversive behavior in wildlife. many people are unaware of this.

randomtruth said...

And don't forget the delicious brownies! Thanks for letting me tag along on a terrific, but too-short trip to a stunning place Codger (and Craig of course).

Soooo looking forward to seeing what comes to the current sets. Ringtails! Ringtails! Ringtails! :)


Camera Trap Codger said...

Thanks for the feedback, Buford. Wasn't aware of how antler dogs are trained to operate. My goal for Fred is to tip me off about the presence of selected target species for camera trapping. He is not yet at the age where he can stay focussed, so I haven't started the training yet. But he does have an aptitude for finding and eating antlers. The danger to Fred these days is that most of the antlers he finds are handles of tools and knives on the workbench.

RT--thanks again for all the help; I'm looking forward to pursuing those initiatives we discussed.

Buford Nature said...

you have a good goal for the pooch! his nose should be a great asset. "leashed" is the key. gl