About Me

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Native Californian, biologist, wildlife conservation consultant, retired Smithsonian scientist, father of two daughters, grandfather of four. INTJ. Believes nature is infinitely more interesting than shopping malls. Born 100 years too late.

Friday, October 22, 2010

The big cat cometh

August 12, 2010, 3:46:10AM
The big cat came 3 nights after we set the camera trap.

That was the same night that Studly unearthed the can of cat food.

The trail was hopping with activity before the cat's appearance, but white-footed mice, wood rats, and even cottontails make a meager meal.

The cat walked on by, and after its brief appearance activity on the trail was nil.


Anonymous said...

Oh my god, wow!! My fave animal.... Marilyn

Henry said...

Great stuff!

pennifer said...

I should say cat, since I guess its gender is not clear. :)

JustJo said...

I have got to get a camera for next summer at the cabin. These photos are so much fun to see. What a beautiful cat!

Terry said...

Outstanding photo! keep em coming Chris.

Paul said...

I think I would've enjoyed seeing, with cat eyes, the big cat's hasty departure after the flash went off. He would've been momentarily sightless, I would think and perhaps would've crashed through the bush in a near blind, panic.

Camera Trap Codger said...

Paul, me mann . . . take a moment to look at the picture and you'll see that the cat is NOT looking at the camera. Sorry, but the blindness scenario is in all probability off the mark. A good fantasy though.

randomtruth said...

I love that shot. The cat didn't even turn its head for the short red-eye flashes before the main flash - just shows how unimpressed it was with the camera trap. "Yeah - I see you. But you're not edible, so whatever." :)

Equisetum said...

What a marvelous picture (they all are). I've visited many times and am always thrilled. I just received a perfectly awful composite (elk,hunter,cat) using your February 2008 Cat picture: Snopes is on it already so I sent a link to their analysis (http://www.snopes.com/photos/hunting/stalking.asp) and a link to your 10/22/10 Camera Blog suggesting recipient look at some REAL wildlife pictures! I hope you approve and if so, let's all do the same when this vile email gets to us!

Rhonda of the Woods

Camera Trap Codger said...

Thanks, Rhonda (and I'll make no mention of the Beach Boys.)

Zach said...

That's funny, my neighbor was just telling me of that picture that he recieved via email. I too informed him on how it was photo shopped.

cliff said...

Very nice and coming to the camera, hard to beat that photo. Think I'll photo shop it and put it on my blog while I won't be able to get my cams out for a while.
Haven't been feeling well all summer and the doctors kept telling me not to worry, it's just a hernia and no hurry to get it fixed. Went to a specialist, have prostate cancer and will have surgery right after Thanksgiving. Was quite a shock but believe it will turn out ok.


Camera Trap Codger said...

I sent you an email Cliff. Thanks for the update, and get it taken care of.