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Native Californian, biologist, wildlife conservation consultant, retired Smithsonian scientist, father of two daughters, grandfather of four. INTJ. Believes nature is infinitely more interesting than shopping malls. Born 100 years too late.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Smithsonian's Camera Trapping Site

In case you missed it, the Smithsonian's new camera trapping site -- Smithsonian Wild-- was on NBC's evening news last night.

The new site has some terrific camera trap photos from various projects around the world.

It sure would be interesting to know what camera models were used to take those pictures, but you know how it is -- "the gov" doesn't want you to think they are endorsing a commercial product.

And congratulations to my colleague Bill McShea and his fellow camera trappers for cooking up the idea.

Thanks to Scott in Northern Virginia and Bill in Nevada City for the heads up.


owlman said...

I saw that and immediately thought they got the idea from the Codger.
It could be?

Joe said...

Looks like they have a large variety of different cameras they're using. One set of pics even looked like it might be a homebrew. Thanks for the site tip.

Camera Trap Codger said...

Nope, Bill thought it up himself. When I was administrator back there, he loaned me a couple of Camtrakkers which I used around my house.

Yes, the pictures are better than you would expect from a lot of commercial cams.

KB said...

In the set of photos that I was just looking at (cougars), there were a lot of Reconyx photos (the logo was on the photos). Reconyx is by far my favorite trail camera company. The trigger time is SO fast.

Rolandisimo said...

Here are the cameras used to create the images at the SI Wild site

Bushnell Trailscout 5.0 4
CamTrakker Digital Ranger 70
Camtrakker Film 1
Cuddeback 3.0 55
Deercam 63
Film 24
Reconyx 50
Reconyx RC55 107
Reconyx/SG550 85
Scout Guard 550 29
Wildview 2
(blank) 40
Grand Total 530

All of the Peru, Panama, and most of the Kenya were Reconyx. And for those you can see short videos at SIWILD.


Camera Trap Codger said...

Thanks, Roland.